Karat and their Equivalents

Glossary of Terms

The way I’ve listed terms is not alphabetical but in the order it should be read as one flows into the other. Precious MetalsGold, platinum and silver are considered the metals valued in jewelry. All three metals share 4 qualities for making jewelry. Allure – physical characteristics of luster, color and heft. Workability – related…

Birthstone Chart

Birthstone Chart

Month Modern Ancient January Garnet Garnet February Amethyst Amethyst March Aquamarine Bloodstone April Diamond Diamond May Emerald Emerald June Alexandrite Pearl July Ruby Ruby August Peridot Sardonyx September Sapphire Sapphire October Rose Zircon or Pink Tourmaline Opal November Golden Topaz Topaz December Blue Zircom or Tanzanite Turquoise or Lapis Lazuli